Month: November 2019

Our entire worldview expressed in a single picture


After 25 years, this simple graph neatly sums up how we see the world. There are a ton of safe, dull brands out there doing nothing for the bottom line. And far too few that are actually driving righteous business growth. Those are the ones we love to create. Read more about limiter, pretender and… Read more »

Sharp new ID for ICC

Distinctive new logo for ICC, an innovative wealth management firm based in Las Vegas. Design by BigMouth in San Francisco.

The challenge: Create a fresh, modern, distinctive logo, using an inert series of initials. Here’s the solution we came up with for ICC, a progressive Las Vegas wealth advisory. The mark is structured, dimensional and dynamic, reflecting the core elements of the wealth management experience ICC delivers. If you’re into logos, check out some of… Read more »